Thyme-leaved speedwell Veronica serpyllifolia
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Plant family: Plantaginaceae
Aliases: Thyme leaf speedwell
Flowering period: March – October
Flower colour: Blue – white
Preferred soil type: Most types, acidic
Habitat: Open grassland, waste areas, disturbed ground
Status: Common
General information
A low growing, native perennial wildflower that grows in meadows, heaths, lawns, cultivated and waste ground. It’s one of many speedwells, with slender, germander and field speedwell being the most common of these plants.
Thyme-leaved speedwell typically grows about 20cm high, but has been known to grow significantly taller. It spreads by rhizomes (underground runners) and favours damp, acidic sites.
Flowers: The small flowers (between 6 – 8mm in diameter) are borne on erect stems, each having four petals, variable in colour from blue/purple to white. As with most speedwells the petals differ in size, with the upper petal being the larges, with the lower the smallest.
Leaves: The leaves are opposite, ovate to oblong in shape, with entire margins, they are mostly smooth (unlike other speedwells).
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